4 Most Common Causes Why Your K-cup Exploded And How To Cope With These Issues 

Many people have a tendency to buy coffee at their go-to stores because they are too busy working or don’t know how to make a cup of coffee to their liking. Meanwhile, others have been shopping for coffee machines to use at home so they can have a cup of coffee every morning within a few minutes before heading to their workplace or starting a new day. 

However, making coffee isn’t always easy, especially when the machines go bad and something doesn’t work properly. One of the scariest things that can happen is that the coffee containers explode, spilling coffee all over your kitchen.

It would be a great pity if you wasted your coffee, and sometimes hot coffee could splash on you, hurting your body. No need to worry, this article will help you answer the questions “Why are my K-cups exploding?” and “How can I fix this?” All you need is to read all the way to the end.

What Are K-Cups And How Do They Work?

The US-based company Keurig is known all over the world for making high-quality coffee machines. Peter Dragone and John Sylvan started the business in 1990, and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters bought it in 2006. The company says that in its US offices, there are almost 500,000 coffee machines. There are a variety of coffee machines made by this firm, most commonly the Vue and the K-Cup.

A K-Cup is basically a small plastic cup with a foil lid that holds the ground coffee. It also contains a built-in filter at the bottom. When you put a K-Cup into a Keurig coffee machine, it makes a delicious cup of drink quickly and easily.

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After putting the K-Cup in the Keurig coffee maker, you will hear a click as the machine closes, and the brewing process will begin right then. During this process, water is pumped through tubes that are under pressure so that it can get into the machine’s heating chambers and be heated to the right temperature to make delicious coffee.

When the water is at the right temperature for making coffee, it flows out of a faucet at the top of the coffee maker. The K-cup is located right below, ready for the brewing process. 

Specifically, the coffee maker will then poke a hole in the foil lid of the K-Cup so that hot water can pour over the coffee inside. The hot coffee will then move through the built-in filter below and into your cup through a hole in the bottom of the K-Cup.

Why Do My K-Cups Blow Up And What Can I Do To Stop It?

There are a few things that could have caused the K-cups to explode out of the blue. Equipping yourself with this information will help you stay safe while making coffee.

Your K-Cups Have Too Much Air Inside

During the manufacturing process, sometimes too much air is put into the K-Cup. When the needle in the top of the coffee maker pokes it, the extra air creates a lot of pressure inside the cup, which causes it to burst, like when a balloon is over-inflated and pops.

You can’t avoid having too much air in your K-Cup, but you can definitely recognize this issue and deal with it by looking at how the lid is shaped. In particular, if the seal is too round and inflated, poke it with a pin or needle to let some air out before using it in your coffee maker.

K-Cups Aren’t Properly Sealed

It’s also the manufacturer’s fault if your K-Cup is not properly packed, which could cause an explosion during the brewing process and lower the quality of the coffee inside. Therefore, be sure to check the K-Cup carefully before using it. 

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If you find any problems with the seal, don’t use it. Instead, you should contact the maker and ask for a refund or new k-cups. 

Your Keurig Coffee Maker Is Probably Clogged

Your Keurig machine has two needles, one above and one below the k-cup’s position, to help brew the coffee by making holes on the lid and at the bottom of the K-cup and eventually letting the filtered coffee drop to your cup.

However, if these needles get clogged, the brewing process can be interrupted, and your K-cups might even explode. As a result, make sure to check your Keurig coffee maker’s needles on a regular basis to guarantee they are still working.

The area around the needle can be cleaned with a paper clip that has been pulled out and straightened. Then, run water through the machine to get rid of any other built-up dirt.

Coffee Is Brewed From Up High

You might be surprised to hear that altitude can affect your K-Cup. The truth is that if you use K-Cups to make coffee at an altitude of more than 6,000 feet, the pressure inside them can build up to the point where they explode.

Similarly, you can limit this problem by poking a hole in the K-cup with a small pin before you use it to make coffee. This lets the pressure out.

How Can I Tell If My K-Cups Have Gone Bad?

Keurig says that nitrogen is used to rinse K-Cup packages before they are sealed to keep them fresh. As a result, the K-Cup package can’t let oxygen, moisture, or light in. However, K-cups are easy to spoil if they aren’t stored properly or if their lids are broken in some way.

On the K-cups, there is always information about when they were made and when they should be thrown away. Pay attention to this information so that you know the quality of your K-cups is always good. Having said that, some companies make it hard to read these details by using white ink on a white container or black ink on a black background. One tip is to use Roaster’s suggested use-by date, not the expiration date, for the freshest coffee.

When your K-cups have a hole or a torn lid that lets water into the coffee inside, they are broken and shouldn’t be used. This is because if the inside of the K cup gets wet, mold will grow, which is bad for the user’s health. Another thing to bear in mind is to always keep K-Cups in a cool, dry place that is out of the sun. 

Final Thought

It’s not always easy to make coffee at home with a Keurig or other machines. You need to brush up on some basics to make sure the coffee-making process is safe and your coffee machine is working properly. I hope you found this article helpful, and I’ll see you soon.