Feeling Hungry After Drinking Coffee: Why Is It And Is It Harmful?

 When it comes to coffee’s advantages, most people think of it as providing you with plenty of energy to get you through the day alert and productive. Coffee is frequently promoted as a beverage that aids in weight loss. All of this is due to the positive effects of caffeine in coffee.

However, there is now active controversy as to whether coffee helps you control your appetite or makes you hungrier after you consume it. Many individuals believe that drinking coffee makes them hungry. So, why do I feel so hungry after drinking coffee? Is it harmful or beneficial for my health? Let’s find out the answers in this article. 

What Is Caffeine And How Does It Work On Your Body?

Caffeine is a bitter compound found in a variety of plants, including:

  • coffee beans
  • leaves of the tea
  • kola nuts, which are used to flavor colas
  • or cocoa pods, which are used to produce chocolate.

It is also manufactured chemically and added to several medications, meals, and drinks. The majority of individuals get their caffeine via drinks. A 240 mL cup of coffee has roughly 95-200 mg of caffeine on average.

why do i feel so hungry after drinking coffee
People drinking coffee high angle view

Caffeine is a stimulant, not a natural source of energy. Coffee serves to activate the central nervous system in everyday life, making the human mind more alert and energetic.

Caffeine And Hunger: Is There A Link?

What Causes Hunger?

It is fairly common for people to be hungry and desire to eat. Many hormones affect appetite from a medical standpoint.

Ghrelin is a hormone that causes hunger. When the stomach is empty, ghrelin is released, which signals the hypothalamus to feed. Leptin is thought to be a satiety hormone that helps to suppress hunger and make the body feel full. It’s also a signaling hormone, and its job is to communicate with the hypothalamus, the brain region that controls hunger and food intake. The intestinal hormone peptide YY (PYY) regulates hunger. Cells in the intestines and colon emit it. PYY is hypothesized to be important in lowering food intake and lowering the risk of obesity.

So, Does Caffeine Make You Crave More?

Yes, it is correct. Caffeine in coffee aids in calorie burning and increases energy levels. As it burns some calories in the process, we may assume that the body will now demand more energy. As a result, it indirectly induces appetite.

Asian women feel hungry or stomachache and feeling bad

Coffee, therefore, first satisfies your hunger by lowering ghrelin levels. However, your satiety only lasts 60 to 120 minutes. Since it consumes some of your body’s energy to burn calories, your body will need additional energy to compensate. As a result, you will feel hungrier and desire more food.

How About Black Coffee Or Decaffeinated Coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee has been demonstrated to suppress appetite for longer than caffeinated coffee. This is also why people who are trying to lose weight frequently incorporate this beverage into their diet and workout routine.

To explain, there are only 2 calories in a cup of black coffee. Except for the syrup and flavor, the calories are reduced to a bare minimum when using decaffeinated beans.

Hot black espresso coffee and many coffee beans placed around mug on dark background, with copy space

Black coffee contains chlorogenic acid which decreases the formation of sugar and fat cells after a meal, aiding weight loss.

Black coffee also encourages frequent urine, which helps in the removal of extra water from the body. It works without causing any negative side effects. However, if you want to reduce weight, you shouldn’t start consuming many cups of black coffee every day. If you drink too much of it, your body will build a tolerance to fat-burning elements and you will be unable to lose weight. Only 1-2 cups of black coffee should be consumed each day.

Is It Good To Feel Hungry After Drinking Coffee?

Coffee not only keeps you alert but also speeds up your metabolism. It increases thermogenesis, which helps your body burn more calories and aids weight reduction by releasing fatty acids into the circulation. Moderate caffeine use on a daily basis can enhance cardiac function and blood pressure while also lowering the risk of cirrhosis and cataracts. It can also help to avoid illnesses like type 2 diabetes and dementia.

Caffeine, as mentioned previously, has an effect on the hormone leptin, which makes you feel hungry.

All of the evidence suggests that feeling hungry after drinking coffee is beneficial to one’s health. However, to preserve health, you should only eat a maximum of 400 mg each day, which is comparable to four cups of coffee.

Should I Eat After A Cup Of Coffee?

Yes, after a cup of coffee, you may have breakfast, lunch, or dinner. However, I strongly advise drinking coffee after you grab something for breakfast or other meals.

Fresh delicious breakfast with soft boiled egg, crispy toasts and cup coffee or tea on blue background

If you have digestive issues, drinking coffee after eating is a healthful method to consume coffee. This is because the acid in coffee is thought to be harmful to your mucous membranes. Although there is no proof or studies to link coffee to its negative effects on your digestive system, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can trigger headaches and vomiting in some people. In these cases, stop consuming this beverage and drink more water instead. You also need to take more rest to relieve these symptoms in the shortest time. 

Should We Reduce Our Coffee Consumption In Order To Lose Weight? 

This is a difficult question. As previously said, drinking black coffee can help you lose weight. However, if you are a “coffee junkie,” simply drinking black coffee or not drinking coffee is not a smart way to go.

When you abruptly stop drinking coffee, your blood arteries dilate, boosting blood flow to the brain. The body’s reaction to the abrupt shift in blood flow is chronic headaches that last until the brain adjusts. You will have difficulties concentrating on tasks for an extended period of time, as well as sensations of restlessness and worry. Remember that exercise and a low-calorie diet are scientifically proven ways to reduce weight.

Final Thought

Coffee clearly has the ability to reduce our appetite while yet making us hungry. So, don’t attempt to starve yourself by simply drinking coffee. Bear in mind that you need to have a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, get adequate rest, and drink coffee in moderation to stay healthy. Enjoy your coffee and stay in touch with me in my next posts.